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 coverages 11 Risk: Long & expensive proceedings


Acquiring compensation following a cyber incident is often not straightforward: those files almost always end up in court. And what if you are a victim and you want to claim the not insurable damage on the supplier that lost your data or allowed it to be stolen? Or you want to fire an employee who tweeted untruth information of your client? Or you have a disagreement on digital revenues with an administration authority? In that situation, what you need is a really good lawyer and that also costs money.


Ensured guarantees :

As the only Belgian player, CyberContract offers you an optional extension of your cyber-risks insurance with the legal-assistance guarantee.

This way, we help you defend your interests if you also experience legal issues within the scope of a cyber incident.

Among other things, this guarantee covers:

  • costs of criminal law defence by the lawyer of your choice
  • costs of a civil or employment lawsuit by the lawyer of your choice
  • costs of a dispute with insurer, administrative authorities or contract partner

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If you are interested in a CyberCrime policy, you can request an offer here. You only need to provide us with some basic information.

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